
Software Manuals

image-left AEG Vulture User Manual: This is a Portable Document Format (PDF) version of the latest Vulture FDTD Solver user manual. It is built from the latex sources which are part of the Vulture source code and provided here for convenience.

Notes and Reports

image-left Electromagnetic Diffusion Model Implementation Notes: Notes on the implementation of the electromagnetic diffusion model in 2D and 3D, used to develop the Electromagnetic Diffusion Model Canonical Test Cases reported in (Flintoft et al., 2017; Flintoft and Dawson, 2017).

image-left Notes on Small Aperture Theory: Some informal notes on the electromagnetic theory of small apertures. The Bethe small aperture theory is widely used in electromagnetic compatibility to estimate the coupling into enclosed spaces.


image-left Human body absorption cross-section datasets: These are the datasets from the paper (Flintoft et al., 2014) as a zipped Excel spreadsheet, containing the average absorption cross-sections of all the subjects. The dataset is in the public domain image-left.


  1. Flintoft, I.D., Marvin, A.C., Funn, F.I., Dawson, L., Zhang, X., Robinson, M.P. and Dawson, J.F., 2017. Evaluation of the diffusion equation for modelling reverberant electromagnetic fields. IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 59(3), pp.760–769.
  2. Flintoft, I.D. and Dawson, J.F., 2017. 3D electromagnetic diffusion models for reverberant environments. In: 2017 International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA2017). Verona, Italy, pp.511–514.
  3. Flintoft, I.D., Robinson, M.P., Melia, G.C.R., Marvin, A.C. and Dawson, J.F., 2014. Average absorption cross-section of the human body measured at 1-12 GHz in a reverberant chamber: results of a human volunteer study. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 59(13), pp.3297–3317.