Paper on PCB absorption cross-section measurements in reverberation chamber

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Paper on measured average absorption cross-section of printed circuit boards (PCBs) accepted for publication in IEEE Transaction on Electromagnetic Compatibility.

Absorption by the contents of an equipment enclosure, particularly PCBs, affect the enclosure’s shielding performance. At high frequencies we propose that this absorption can be quantified using the angle of arrival and polarization averaged absorption cross-section (ACS), which can be measured in a reverberation chamber. This paper presents the measured average ACS of a large number of PCBs taken from contemporary information and communication technology (ICT) equipment to provide a unique and comprehensive dataset for developing high frequency shielding methodologies.

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The images above show a photograph of one PCB from each of the classes of PCB identified and the measured average ACS of the all the PCBs coloured according to their class.

This work was part of the collaborative shielding measurement of electrically large enclosures with contents project between Huawei Technologies and the AEG. See the paper (Flintoft et al., 2016) for details.


  1. Flintoft, I.D., Parker, S.L., Bale, S.J., Marvin, A.C., Dawson, J.F. and Robinson, M.P., 2016. Measured average absorption cross-sections of printed circuit boards from 2 to 20 GHz. IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 58(2), pp.553–560.
