Paper on a validation test-suite for CEM solvers

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Paper on a validation and verification test-suite for computational electromagnetics solvers accepted for publication in IEEE Transaction on Electromagnetic Compatibility.

This collaborative paper with The University of Granada presents a suite of validation test cases for computational electromagnetics (CEM) simulation tools. The test-cases presented were designed to be representative of typical electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) applications and are therefore of particular utility for validating tools for use in this application area. The components of the test-suite have been developed by members of the AEG over a number of years, particularly as part of the FLAVIIR project funded jointly by BAES and EPSRC and the ERC funded High Intensity Radiated Field Synthetic Environment (HIRF SE) research programme.

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Full details of the work can be found in the paper (Flintoft et al., 2017) and on the test-suite web site. Some of the earlier developments are reported in (Flintoft et al., 2013; Tallini et al., 2011; Christopoulos et al., 2010; Dawson et al., 2008).


  1. Flintoft, I.D., Dawson, J.F., Dawson, L., Marvin, A.C., Alvarez, J. and Garcia, S.G., 2017. A modular testsuite for the validation and verification of electromagnetic solvers in electromagnetic compatibility applications. IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 59(1), pp.111–118.
  2. Flintoft, I.D., Dawson, J.F., Dawson, L. and Marvin, A.C., 2013. A modular test-case for validation of electromagnetic solvers in electromagnetic compatibility applications. In: Computational Electromagnetics for EMC 2013 (CEMEMC’13). Granada, Spain.
  3. Tallini, D., Dawson, J.F., Flintoft, I.D., Kunze, M. and Munteanu, I., 2011. Virtual HIRF tests in CST STUDIO SUITE;. A reverberant environment application. In: Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications, ICEAA2011. Torino, Italy, pp.849–852.
  4. Christopoulos, C., Dawson, J.F., Dawson, L., Flintoft, I.D., Hassan, O., Marvin, A.C., K. Morgan, and, Sewell, P., Smartt, C.J. and Xie, Z.Q., 2010. Characterization and modelling of electromagnetic interactions in aircraft. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, [online] 224(4), pp.449–458.
  5. Dawson, J.F., Smartt, C.J., Flintoft, I.D. and Christopoulos, C., 2008. Validating a numerical electromagnetic solver in a reverberant environment. In: 4th IEE International Conference on Computation in Electromagnetics (CEM2002). Bournemouth, UK: IEE, pp.42–43.
