Paper on absorption cross-section and antenna efficiency measurement using dual reverberation chambers

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Paper on using dual reverberation chambers to measure absorption cross-section and antenna efficiency accepted for publication in IEEE Transaction on Electromagnetic Compatibility.

The standard technique for measuring absorption cross-section (ACS) in a reverberation chamber determines a value that includes the product of the radiation efficiencies of the two antennas used in the measurement (Carlberg2004). In this paper we present the theory of an alternative measurement methodology using two nested or contiguous reverberation chambers which is free from these errors caused by the radiation efficiencies of the antennas. The new method is based on the theoretical average transmission cross sections (TCSs) of circular holes in a metal plate between the two chambers. Since the existing method of measuring ACS includes the effects of the radiation efficiencies of the antennas, a comparison of the ACS of a reference object, measured using both the existing and new methods, also provides an alternative method of determining radiation antenna efficiency.

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The work in the paper was the result of a collaboration between the AEG and Angelo Gifuni from Università di Napoli Parthenope. Full details of the work can be found in the paper (Gifuni et al., 2016).


  1. Gifuni, A., Flintoft, I.D., Bale, S.J., Melia, G.C.R. and Marvin, A.C., 2016. A theory of alternative methods for measurements of absorption cross section and antenna radiation efficiency using nested and contiguous reverberation chambers. IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 58(3), pp.678–685.
