Paper on rapid absorption cross-section in a reverberation chamber

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Paper on the rapid measurement of absorption cross-section in a reverberation chamber accepted for publication in IOP Measurement Science and Technology.

This paper presents a measurement methodology for polarisation and angle of incidence averaged electromagnetic absorption cross-section using a reverberation chamber. The method is optimised for simultaneous rapid and accurate determination of average absorption cross-section over the frequency range 1 to 15 GHz, making it suitable for use in human absorption and exposure studies. The typical measurement time of the subject is about eight minutes with a corresponding statistical uncertainty of about 3% in the measured absorption cross-section. The method was validated by comparing measurements on a spherical phantom with Mie Series calculations.


The efficacy of the method was demonstrated by measuring the ACS of a subject in different body postures obtaining the results shown in the figure above. We also looked at the effects of clothing on the measured absorption which are important considerations for the practical design of experiments for studies on human subjects.

This work was primarily done as part of the High Intensity Radiated Field Synthetic Environment (HIRFSE) research project. Within HIRFSE the results were used to quantify how human bodies affect the electromagnetic field inside aircraft cabins. The measurement method was also used to obtain a large body of data for human exposure assessment (Flintoft et al., 2014).

The full details are in the paper (Flintoft et al., 2015).


  1. Flintoft, I.D., Melia, G.C.R., Robinson, M.P., Dawson, J.F. and Marvin, A.C., 2015. Rapid and accurate broadband absorption cross-section measurement of human bodies in a reverberation chamber. Measurement Science and Technology, 26(6), p.065701.
  2. Flintoft, I.D., Robinson, M.P., Melia, G.C.R., Marvin, A.C. and Dawson, J.F., 2014. Average absorption cross-section of the human body measured at 1-12 GHz in a reverberant chamber: results of a human volunteer study. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 59(13), pp.3297–3317.
